Allow me to tell you the happenings at Special Chicken Ministries. First of all, I have finished writing “Ebenezer” and have piloted the study at my church, West Rome Baptist. Special thanks to my discipleship pastor, Chris Lodge, for letting me get my feet wet there. The pilot group was small but I believe that was the perfect environment for a study that was being handed out weekly. Thanks to Jane, Cyndi, Heather, Tara, and April for encouraging me. Thanks to Dana, Mandi, and Melandie for sticking with me to the end of the study. My most heart-felt thanks goes to my friend Sarah who has encouraged me tremendously and spent hours editing for me.
Over the summer I spoke at a Ladies Retreat hosted by Battlefield Ministries. It is such a privilege to share my heart with women. I spent so many years suffering under lies that the truth that was poured out on me fell on grateful ground. I am honored to pour those truths out on other women. Is that not how the gospel is spread?One person shares truth to another person who shares truth with others. I find that even women who know Christ and have eternal life are suffering under the most dreadful lies.
Someone must tell them the good news. The news that not only does God was them to spend eternity in heaven with him but that he wants to TRANSFORM their lives right here on this earth. We are the BODY of Christ. We should be preaching a message of HOPE, not cowering in the corner of fear and condemnation.
Yet that is exactly the way the enemy keeps us from spreading the gospel.
Hebrews 10:39 says: We are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed but of those who believe and are saved.
So we press on!
This past summer, I had already decided that Special Chicken was going to be hosting its own ladies retreat but, at that time, I was also asked to host a retreat for teen-aged girls. Thus, The Identity Project was born.
Please read about the Identity Project here
Even if you are not a mom of a teen-age daughter, I invite you to be involved by praying for the event, spreading the word about the event, and there are also other ways to be involved. We need mentors and volunteers to work the event and we need scholarship money for the under-privileged.
Thank you for rejoicing with us as we continue to grow our ministry to uplift the disheartened body and reach the lost for Christ.
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